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How to Identify the Most Profitable Neighborhoods to Invest In

Want to learn more about how to choose which neighborhoods to invest in? There are factors to consider that you might not expect. When it comes to buying a property, you’ve probably heard the emphasis on “location, location, location” already. But you need to look beyond the surface. Many factors go into the quality of […]

How to Write a Property Description

When it comes to creating a top-notch property listing, generating professional photos and videos is often a top priority; and for good reason. Nearly 93% of home buyers will search online for their next home. If your listing photos aren’t eye-catching, buyers will move on to the next one. There is, however, another key factor that draws […]

Everything to know about the foreclosure process

Foreclosure is a set of legal actions a lender takes against a borrower that’s failed to meet their loan obligations. Such steps start the sale of property used as collateral when securing the loan. The proceeds received from such a sale allow lenders to recoup the unpaid debt. Doesn’t it sound like a simple process? […]