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You May Be an Entrepreneur

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You May Be an Entrepreneur If…

Obsess much? Bullied when you were younger? Fired from a few jobs? Hate small talk? Then we’ve got the opportunity for you! It’s called entrepreneurship  It’s not for everyone, but it is, apparently, for a select few of us who can’t seem to settle into the normal workaday grind, according to Entrepreneur.

The website has put together a rather interesting list of 12 characteristics that might label you as the entrepreneurial type. We provided a few of its examples below, but we strongly suggest you click over and read through the entire list. If, like us, you feel like you’ve just taken a peak at your life’s permanent record, then you just may have found your next big adventure. Enjoy!

  • Resist Authority – You have a lifelong record of resisting authority from your parents, teachers and bosses. You don’t go along with the agreed upon norms of the group or community you work and live in.
  • Ready to Improve Everything – You always see how you could do things better. In addition, you are opinionated and freely give your two-cents about your better way of doing things–even when you’re not asked.
  • Labeled a Rebel – You know that greatness resides outside the lines of conformity and don’t think that policies, laws and regulations apply to you. You have been described as a rebel and rule breaker and would defy gravity if you could.

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