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Use These 5 Tricks for Finding Leads on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn currently has over 465 million members, meaning there are 465 million potential leads and prospects for you to explore. Recently, Hubspot found that LinkedIn was more effective at generating business leads than both Facebook and Twitter.
Many real estate agents know the value of LinkedIn and how it can advance their business by presenting them ample potential prospects and detailed information on them. While a simple search is a great starting point to look for lead opportunities, there are also a few little-known ways to find new leads on LinkedIn.

Have an All-Star Profile

This may take some time and effort, but the work will certainly be rewarded. Fill out your LinkedIn profile as much as possible and keep your audience in mind when choosing your language and the pertinent details you include. Share what you specialize in, give a hint of personal info such as hobbies, etc., and make sure to showcase how you serve your clients and what you can offer them. You will also want a professional headshot and a headline that uses keywords that relate to real estate.

Kick Your Search Up a Notch

Utilize the Advanced Search option to find users based on specific keywords, industries, locations and more. You can find potential leads or referrals in your area and invite them to connect with just a simple note.

See Who’s Engaging

Keep a close watch on who’s commenting on your connections’ posts. Many of the people taking the time to interact with your clients and prospects, will be great leads – and they are clearly active on LinkedIn. A great way to introduce yourself to a potential lead who is engaging on social media, is to use their comments as a jumping-off point for an email. Praise their thoughts and offer your own perspective or share a relevant article and ask to exchange email addresses.

Reconnect With Old Contacts

LinkedIn is an ideal place to reconnect with old contacts, colleagues, friends and alumni. All of these contacts are searchable on LinkedIn if you do a simple search. Once you find these people, your network and your leads will be sure to grow. Many real estate agents use LinkedIn to find both new clients and reconnect with people from previous careers. These people can be a great source of referrals.

Utilize Recommendations

LinkedIn offers a built-in referral machine with the recommendations section. This is something that will showcase positive experiences clients have had with you and will help establish you as a leader in real estate. Make sure you control the tone of the recommendations by being very specific as to what you’d like included in the messaging. This will increase your chances of receiving many recommendations because it makes it easier for the author.
If you are going above and beyond for your clients, it will be easy to gain many recommendations to display on your LinkedIn page. Word of mouth referrals and recommendations are one of the most effective ways to gain new leads.

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