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No Financing Required: Working with Cash Buyers for Real Estate

A cash buyer in real estate means less paperwork and faster closings. Agents consider these purchases highly desirable because they don’t require working with financing and the associated red tape. Acquiring a mortgage isn’t a simple process, and it’s certainly not a sure thing even after the sellers accept a bid. Cash buyers aren’t elusive […]

How to Find Properties with Insurance Renewal Leads

As an insurance professional, you may get some leads from your company, but as you are well aware, most of your solid property insurance leads come from your hard work and community connections. Of course, every broker has their own ways of finding prospective policy buyers, but some methods are effective for everyone. And you […]

Door Knocking To Find Likely Sellers

Door knocking is an old school technique used by residential real estate professionals. Some agents get outstanding results from door knocking, while others never generate a lead. What makes the difference? How you prepare, and the tools you use will determine whether you’re successful or not. Done well, door knocking does help you find property […]

Door Knocking: Can It Help You Find Property Sellers?

Door knocking is an old school technique used by residential real estate professionals. Some agents get outstanding results from door knocking, while others never generate a lead. What makes the difference? How you prepare, and the tools you use will determine whether you’re successful or not. Done well, door knocking does help you find property […]