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Commercial Database

Find Commercial Property Owners Find the hottest properties Flip a switch and see which properties are 9x more likely to sell or refinance in the next 12 months. That’s the power of ProspectNow’s predictive analytics. Engage with commercial property owners Tap into the most accurate contact information available for over 41 million commercial and multifamily […]

Commercial Property Advisors

Book a ProspectNow demo and learn about exclusive perks for Commercial Property Advisors members Find the hottest properties Flip a switch and see which properties are 9x more likely to sell in the next 12 months. That’s the power of ProspectNow’s predictive analytics. Connect directly with property owners Tap into the most accurate contact information […]

SVN Commercial Real Estate Advisors

We’re happy to announce that ProspectNow is now part of Buildout, furthering our shared vision to improve dealmaking for CRE. Learn More. Log In Welcome SVN Advisors! Find the hottest properties Flip a switch and see which properties are 9x more likely to sell or refinance in the next 12 months. That’s the power of […]

Commercial Database | Staging

Find Any Commercial Property Owner sdfs Find the hottest properties Flip a switch and see which properties are 9x more likely to sell or refinance in the next 12 months. That’s the power of ProspectNow’s predictive analytics. Engage with commercial property owners Tap into the most accurate contact information available for over 41 million commercial […]

How Does Predictive Analysis Work?

In the past, real estate professionals predicted market trends using historical data and their own experience in the industry. Some turned to their “gut feelings” to make key decisions. Often, they made accurate predictions about the real estate market and helped guide their clients accordingly. But even the best real estate professional could not predict […]

How To Use the Radius Search and Find the Perfect Properties

Knowing how to use the radius search feature in ProspectNow lets you focus your outreach efforts on property owners in a specific area. Perhaps you recently converted a lead, so you want to connect with more owners within a mile of that property. Perhaps you plan to send postcards to all property owners in a […]

What Is Digital Real Estate?

If you’re an experienced investor in residential or commercial real estate—or even both—you may be looking for new, unique investments to support. If that’s the case, digital real estate may interest you. After all, as interest rates on loans for physical properties start to rise again, it may be nice to branch out to the […]

Use Letters and Postcards To Connect With Leads

You might think of ProspectNow as a database that uses predictive analytics to help you focus on properties that will likely sell within the next 12 months. ProspectNow certainly has a large, accurate database with features powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence. The platform also has marketing tools that can help you connect with leads […]

Reonomy vs Apto Review

Reonomy and Apto are two tools that some real estate professionals use to bridge this gap and help them make informed decisions, capture leads, and track their progress.

How to Find a Property If You’re a CRE Agent

A commercial real estate (CRE) agent’s success relies on knowing how to get commercial listings that generate strong returns on investment (ROI). Some of the most successful CRE investors realized in 2020 that they needed to pivot to digital technologies. Unfortunately, not everyone uses the latest tools to make CRE deals more efficient and simple. The […]