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Blog Recap: Our Best Blogs of 2016

2016 was a big year for the CRE industry, with plenty of technological advancements paving the way for even bigger developments in 2017. Our team at ProspectNow strives to stay on top of the trends in CRE, sharing new developments in our blog throughout the year. These posts are a great resource for all things […]

4 Technologies CRE Brokers Need in 2017

The technological innovations that have occurred over the last few years have helped to make CRE brokers and agents more efficient than ever. These new technologies have given CRE agents the ability to store and transmit large amounts of data instantaneously, share it with an unlimited number of people, and quickly and effectively analyze the […]

5 Old School Lead Qualifying Tactics that Still Work in a Digital World

Most real estate professionals don’t have time to chase leads that are going nowhere. But, how can you pre-qualify the lead to know if it’s worth your time? Nearly 70% of sales leads end up being trial balloons and not serious prospects. That adds up to hours and hours of lost productivity chasing leads that […]