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A typical day in the life of a Listing Agent

The role of a Listing Agent comes with many responsibilities.  Your job is to provide the services that your sellers and buyers need. You must have marketing and research skills to consistently bring new clientele. It is an overwhelming job in many ways. But, it is a very rewarding profession if the initiative is there.  […]

A Typical Day in the Life of a Listing Agent

The role of a Listing Agent comes with many responsibilities. Your job is to provide the services that your sellers and buyers need. You must have marketing and research skills to consistently bring new clientele. It is an overwhelming job in many ways. But, it is a very rewarding profession if the initiative is there. […]

Commercial Database | OLD

Find Commercial Property Owners Find the hottest properties Flip a switch and see which properties are 9x more likely to sell or refinance in the next 12 months. That’s the power of ProspectNow’s predictive analytics. Engage with commercial property owners Tap into the most accurate contact information available for over 41 million commercial and multifamily […]

6 Hot Blogs for Residential Brokers from 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, it’s a great time to take a look at some of the most popular ProspectNow blogs for residential brokers from this past year. We take a dive into everything from email subject lines to the future of real estate marketing. 5 Email Examples for Staying Top-of-Mind with Clients Email […]

5 Tips for Creating Email Subject Lines That Work

As a real estate agent, broker, loan officer, or services provider, email marketing can prove a rich source of leads. When you are trying to build an email marketing campaign, one of the most important things to build up is your CTR, or click-through rate. Getting someone to open your email and engage with the […]

3 Reasons You Don't Need a Script When Cold Calling Prospects

The cold call is a time-honored way to find new opportunities and clients, but like many long-standing practices, we sometimes view it very narrowly. Methods for cold calling can differ; how the task is accomplished is up to you. For many of us, there’s a certain level of security in having a script for making […]

Search Commercial Real Estate Now

Search Commercial Property The best way to get property information ProspectNow is a user-friendly platform designed to provide anything from the most basic to the most advanced commercial property search options. Find valuable information about any property in the US, including ownership, sales history, liens, mortgages, tax payments, property details, legal description, foreclosures, expired property listings and more. This is ProspectNow […]

Nevada Real Estate Market Stabilizes

Nevada was arguably the hardest hit commercial real estate market during the recession. This desert oasis is still reeling from the effects of the past few years as unemployment remains high and tourism and gaming try to gain ground. There is good news, however, on the horizon, according to the Reno Gazette Journal, which talked to […]