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5 Ways to Build Relationships with Leads in a Digital World

When building a successful real estate business, it’s important to maintain healthy relationships with your prospects and clients, especially in a technology-driven world where there is less face-to-face interaction. So how can you build relationships with leads in a digital world? Let’s find out. Send Drip Marketing Campaigns People check emails constantly, which makes it […]

5 Ways to Keep Mid-Funnel Leads Engaged

It’s pretty frustrating when a lead is just…stuck. They aren’t a new lead, but they also aren’t taking any action either. So, what can you do to keep the lead engaged? There are a few approaches you can take to get these leads moving and active again. Here are five ways to keep mid-funnel leads […]

Use These 5 Tips to Turn Website Visitors into Leads

Real estate agents are constantly searching for the next lead and because of this every real estate professional needs to maximize their online marketing by utilizing their website. Real Estate agents are always looking for new ways to turn website visitors into leads and then clients. Use these five tips to turn website visitors into […]

Use These 5 Tricks for Finding Leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn currently has over 465 million members, meaning there are 465 million potential leads and prospects for you to explore. Recently, Hubspot found that LinkedIn was more effective at generating business leads than both Facebook and Twitter. Many real estate agents know the value of LinkedIn and how it can advance their business by presenting […]