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What Is Hyper-Targeted Marketing and Why Should I Care?

  Borrowers choose the first lender that they connect with If you’re a lender, you know how much being the first to the borrower can impact your likelihood of getting the loan business. In fact, 50% of all mortgage borrowers choose the first lender that reaches out to them. Knowing who they are and getting […]

10 Actionable Tips for CRE Agents New to Prospecting

For many in CRE, prospecting is among the least appealing routine task. Still, this activity is our bread and butter. It keeps the pipeline full and generates countless connections and referrals. Prospecting is critical, but it needn’t consume your days. Like any aspect of your work it can be streamlined through thoughtful planning and utilizing […]

Organize Your Real Estate Prospect List in 4 Steps

In real estate, a prospect list never rests. If you’re on your toes, that list is a live thing, evolving and shifting almost daily to reflect what’s going on in your work. Keeping your prospect list up to date will help you avoid missed opportunity, and the secret is organization. Taking the time to get […]